The PCMF Mission Week will commence on Sunday 29th October 2023 when it will be launched, and it will culminate on Sunday 5th November 2023.
To God be the glory for the life and journey of PCMF since 1973 when the General Assembly gave blessings to form a men fellowship as a united Christian force of men in matters of faith, witness and service to Jesus Christ and fellow men. As we evaluate the progress and have time for thanksgiving and celebrations, we are guided by the encouragement theme taken from Joshua 13:1 and Hebrews 10:24-25 “When Joshua was an old man, the lord said to him, you are growing old, and much land remains to be conquered.”
PCMF is now 50 years from the of time of the first Director (National Coordinator) to the present through The Very Rev. Dr. John. G. Gatu, Rev. Dr.Charles . Kibicho , Rev. Peter Kaniah and currently Rev. Henry G. Kaira. All these have worked with other leaders in the whole church through the General Assembly, Presbyteries, Parish and congregations to fulfil the mission of PCMF.