Matthew 6:33, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will begiven to you as well.

PCEA Jitegemea Press (2024)
Receive Christian greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace, mercy
and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ be with you all.
I thank God for giving us a successful year 2023, when we look back, we see
the faithfulness of God within the women ministry and the church at large. Many
women joined us into the fold of Woman’s Guild ready to be used as instruments
of God in his vineyard an indicator that the Church is growing steadily.
The year 2024 is a special year to all of us because we are now in the 24th General
assembly with a new theme,” We will serve the Lord” from Joshua 24:15. God
gave us this theme after considering our ways during the 23rd G.A. The Lord
is challenging us now that its time to serve the Lord with all faithfulness and
fear him after considering our ways. Joshua challenges the Israelites to choose
between serving God or other gods because they cannot serve both. Jesus said
the same word in Matthew 6: 24 that, “No one can serve two masters. Either
he will hate one and love the other or he will be devoted to one and despise
the other.” We must also be decisive enough on who to serve in our various
In order to serve him well we need to pursue his righteousness as Matthew 6:33
continues to challenge us in seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Jesus challenges his listeners not to worry about the basic needs (food and
clothing) which even the heathens worry about and run after them. God knows
what we all need and is caring enough to provide; all we need to be concerned
about as our first priority is to search for righteousness and all these other things
will be added unto us.
David in Psalms 11:1-7, talks about a righteous God who loves upright people.
God expects us to be righteous as he himself is righteous. Righteousness comes
with a reward while wickedness warrants punishment. I encourage all of us to
pursue the path of righteous for our God is not unjust for he will reward us each
according to our deeds.
I take this opportunity to wish you a successful Guild week and as you serve the
Lord with gladness in his vineyard. God bless you all.
Yours in Christ Service
Rt. Rev Thegu Mutahi
Moderator 24th G.A/National Chaplain Woman’s Guild