Col.3:23 ” Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly, as to the Lord, and not for men”.
Introduction to Colossians
Apostle Paul authored the book of Colossians while in prison in Rome. The date of writing is believed to be between AD 60-62 (Acts 28:30). The recipients of the letter were members of a young church in a small town called Colossae in Asia Minor. This town was in modern-day Turkey. Today the town is lost and without a trace. It is now in ruins. It is the least important town that Paul ever wrote to indicating his great concern for the church.
Paul had never visited this church that had been founded by Epaphras who was one of Paul’s converts. Epaphras may have been converted in Ephesus and then returned to Colossae his hometown. He visited Rome and told Paul about the problems the Colossian church was going through. Paul is full of praises for Epaphras whom he refers to as a faithful minister (Col. 1:7-8). The Colossian church was meeting in Philemon’s house (Philemon 2). Philemon was Greek and a rich member of that church. Paul wrote him a letter that was named after him (Philemon) in which Paul requested him to forgive his runaway slave, Onesimus.
Paul wrote this letter to combat false teachings in the Colossian church. This is known as the Colossian heresy. This heresy was attacking the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ’s work on the cross (1:22). Paul believed and taught of Christ’s completeness and finality as the image of the invisible God (1:15;19).

There are at least six reasons why Paul wrote this letter.
- To combat false teachings (heresy, Col.2:4, 8:20-23)
- To show Christ’s supremacy. Christians are complete in Christ. Paul stressed the fact that there is absolute supremacy and sole sufficiency in Christ (Col.1:15-16).
- To give a roadmap to Christian maturity (Col.1:28; 2:6-7).
- To highlight the principles of Christian living (Col.3:5-17)
- To give a blueprint for specific personal relationships in a Christian home (Col. 3:18-4:1).
- To inform them of his situation and his appeal for their prayers (Col.4:2-9).
Paul finally gives an overview of his partners in the ministry and a charge to keep his letters in circulation among churches for the mutual benefit of all Christians (4:7-18).
As we get set to reflect on the teachings in this letter this year, let us pray to God to grant us grace, time, zeal, discerning spirit, and will do His will.
To God be the glory.